Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Summer Strawberry Slush

We've been spoiled with great summer days and spectacular summer nights around here lately. The kind of days that make you want to clean your glasses because you know they're so clear and the kind of nights that are so fresh they give you a little more oxygen with every deep, beautiful breath. Sleeping with the windows open is not an all-year luxury afforded to the Midwest, and when we can, I love to take advantage of it.

Today I wanted to share with you a scrumptious fruity, easy summer adult beverage to enjoy while you read on the deck or take in the ocean breeze.
With all the U Pick strawberry farms we have around us here, I just had to take advantage of the fresh flavors.
This saves really well in the freezer, too, if you don't want to use it all in one day.

Cheers, friends! Here's to more romantic summer nights.


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