Monday, April 9, 2012

I need a really thoughtful gift that doesn't take much thought...

Uhm, how many times has this run through my mind? Yours, too?

I love to give meaningful presents (who doesn't) for birthdays, anniversaries, and all of life's other significant moments. And I'm the person in many of my friend's lives that they email or call and ask, "What do you think I should get for...?"

I adore gifting. In my early days of a routine paycheck, I found myself easily spending away large chunks of cash to send happy packages to faraway and nearby friends. In the years before 3 kiddos under 7 (I think I can remember back that far), I would browse through my favorite shops, always looking for that some thing that might bring a smile to the face or a great inside joke back to the minds of those I love.

And now I'm here, in a place of busy schedules, tight timelines, and conservative budgets. My intentions are still the same, but far too many special days get acknowledged only by a Facebook comment or an email exchange.

I have a great little surprise for you coming up on Saturday. As I mentioned in the last post, Paige over at Approaching Joy is spreading the blog love and letting me take hold of the reigns over at her great web home. I'm cooking up some great giftie ideas...check back here and check out Approaching Joy on Saturday for some inspires.

Do you have someone special you're trying to recognize right now? What's the special occasion that you're hoping to find just THE right present for?

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