Thursday, April 12, 2012

Because sometimes inspiration is contagious

I'm a new blogger (as you know), and in trying to get my comments section to work, the original post was deleted.

All for the greater glory, right?

My very supportive kiddos created some great bags inspired by their momma's frantic efforts to get everything ready for the Approaching Joy guest post. Before I know it, they'll be blogging divas and divos (!) themselves.

It's been wonderful to pour my creative energies into this, and my littles definitely took note.

Go ahead and go boldly in the direction of your dreams (Thoreau)...because you might take a few others with you. It's contagious.

P.S. I hope you'll join me back here for this great little DIY and ideas on what to get a friend on the move!


  1. Love the bag! I am a bag collector...have SO many of them. Looks like a fun project :)

  2. Thanks, Gina! I loved being able to personalize it. :) Can't wait to share the whole thing with 'ya on Saturday.


Thanks for your happy comment.